64 Search Results for DRANCO
- DRANCO-FARM process OWS has developed the DRANCO-FARM dry digestion technology to produce renewable energy out of organic substrates such as energy crops, crop residues, agro-industrial by-products etc. The degradation of organic matter takes place under anaerobic conditions in a vertical digester. The degradable fraction is converted into biogas. The biogas can be used for the production of […]
- About DRANCO nv DRANCO nv is a world leading company in the construction and operation of anaerobic digestion plants and in organic waste management consultancy.
- DRANCO process The DRANCO (DRy ANaerobic COmposting) process is an advanced biotechnological process for an environmentally friendly and cost-effective treatment of organics derived from municipal solid waste. With its long experience and its extended reference list, the DRANCO process is a well-known and reliable anaerobic digestion technology. The DRANCO technology is marketed throughout the world by OWS […]
- Der DRANCO-Prozess – kontinuierliche Trockenfermentation zur Verwertung von Bioabfällen und Energiepflanzen – De Baere L. Presented at the Symposium on Anaerobic Dry Fermentation at the IBBK/IBBCC Conference in Berlin, 21-22 February 2008
- Projectingenieur met focus op mechanische afvalverwerking (m/v/x) DRANCO – een bedrijf uit de Indaver groep – is wereldleider in de bouw van anaerobe vergistingsinstallaties voor de verwerking van de organische fractie van huishoudelijk afval. Deze installaties worden turn-key geleverd door DRANCO of verwezenlijkt in samenwerking met licentiepartners. Daarnaast is het bedrijf betrokken bij de exploitatie van diverse installaties en doet het onderzoek […]
- Press release: Weitz-DRANCO has agreed to assist TNRE on an established basis to provide the necessary technology expertise required for TNRE’s state-of-the-art anaerobic digestion/advanced composting facilities in the US.
- Alice Mestré – Study Director “Hi, I am Alice! I am 27 years old and part of the P&E team at DRANCO nv. I started about 2 years ago with a minimum of knowledge of this industry. In the meantime, with the help and willingness of colleagues and my perseverance, I have grown a lot. I feel very good in […]
- The gas network manager is ready for gas injection at DDS Verko (Belgium) The brand-new DRANCO digestion plant which will process vegetable, fruit and garden waste (VGF) is being finished and will start up this summer. From then on, Verko will inject green gas (biomethane), generated from the VGF, into the Fluvius gas network and use it as fuel for the refuse lorries.
- MEKKER MEKKER – Valorization of food waste through the production of chemicals via microbial technology. Term September 1st, 2019 – August 31th, 2022 Project In a rising demand of new technologies, the focus shifts from dry to rather wet anaerobic fermentation of waste streams. These waste streams are typically the vegetables & fruit (GF) fraction. For […]
- RUSTICA RUSTICA– Demonstration of circular biofertilisers and implementation of optimized fertiliser strategies and value chains in rural communities Term January 1st, 2021 – December 31th, 2024 Project The RUSTICA projects wants to provide a technical solution to convert organic residues from the fruit and vegetable sector into novel bio-based fertilizer products of high quality that can […]
About DRANCO nv
DRANCO nv is a world leading company in the construction and operation of anaerobic digestion plants and in organic waste management consultancy.