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News & Events
- Expansion of the DRANCO lab activities
- Acquisition of DRANCO nv by the Indaver group
- Official opening new DRANCO plant in Leuven (Belgium)
- Find out about our CAFIPLA-project!
- The gas network manager is ready for gas injection at DDS Verko (Belgium)
- Transfer of the ‘DRANCO-activities’ from OWS nv to its subsidiary DRANCO nv
- Normec Group acquires OWS
- Adding AD To Composting Facility Footprint
- OWS gets four DRANCO projects underway in Europe & Asia
- Fire in the AWB waste treatment plant in Leonberg
- Construction nearly finished in Spain
- Belgium’s First Biogas from Waste Upgrading Plant Begins Grid Injection of Biomethane
- New biogas plant in Spain
- Development of new MEGACO technology
- New biogas plant for OWS in Japan
- OWS’s North American Sales Manager wins the ‘Biogas Visionary’ award
- OWS on French television
- DRANCO technology covered in Biocycle Magazine
- OWS builds first DRANCO digestion plant in the UK
- Oxo-degradable plastics: do they biodegrade? In search of a definite answer
- Evaluation of anaerobic digestion in the Netherlands
- Open Letter on biodegradable-compostable plastics
- OWS now also recognized by DIN CERTCO for home compostability and biobased testing