65 Search Results for DRANCO
- Accreditations DRANCO nv is performing its business operation within the context of an ISO 9001:2015-certified quality management system. On the one hand, it demonstrates that we are capable of consistently delivering products and services which meet client demands and statutory and regulatory requirements. On the other hand, we focus on assuring and improving client satisfaction by […]
- Mission & Vision Mission We strive to provide the most sustainable waste treatment and energy production solutions around the world. Vision Starting from our basic technologies, DRANCO and SORDISEP, offering and realizing installations that meet the current and future requirements and expectations of the customer. To this end, we optimize our installations by making use of new technological […]
- Construction nearly finished in Spain Check out the construction video from our latest plant in Gipuzkoa (Spain)
- Belgium’s First Biogas from Waste Upgrading Plant Begins Grid Injection of Biomethane The latest DRANCO plant in Belgium is injecting biomethane into the gas grid.
- New biogas plant in Spain OWS signs a contract for the construction of a new DRANCO plant in Spain.
- Development of new MEGACO technology Development of a new Carbon Capture & Utilisation-technology
- Beerse 2018 Below you can find a short tour of the DRANCO plant on biowaste in Beerse (IOK):
- New biogas plant for OWS in Japan OWS is proud to announce its first full-scale DRANCO plant in Japan.
- Ayagawa 2018 Together with its partner Kurita Water Industries, OWS will construct a new DRANCO plant on the island of Shikoku in Japan. The plant will treat commercial and household waste, soiled paper, manure, rice straw and grass.
- OWS’s North American Sales Manager wins the ‘Biogas Visionary’ award Our North American Sales Manager Norma Mc Donald was honored with the ‘Biogas Visionary’ award.
About DRANCO nv

DRANCO nv is a world leading company in the construction and operation of anaerobic digestion plants and in organic waste management consultancy.