Consultancy & support – Analytical assistance and biological supervision
Since the biological process is the heart of the anaerobic digestion plant, a good knowledge and monitoring of this process is crucial.
Analytical assistance
Monitoring of substrates
- TS-VS, Kj-N, C/N, COD,…
- Biogas Production Potential
- Nutrient content, heavy metals
- …
Digestion parameters
- NH4+-N
- pH
- Viscosity
- …
Digestate characteristics
- Physico-chemical (TS-VS, pH, NH4+-N,…)
- Stability (AT4, O2-consumption, maturation,…)
- Fertilizer value
- …
Biological supervision
- Interpretation of analytical and operational parameters
- Follow-up and advice for optimal performance
- Highly flexible depending on the specific needs of the AD plant
- Daily, weekly, monthly,…
- Mail, phone,…
- On demand / on regular basis